THAI Online Library

Research & Other Information

Client assessment & treatment using Thai element theory

An article about utilizing Thai element theory to adequately assess and treat clients in Thai massage treatments. When Thai element theory is used as a basis for the practice of Thai healing arts, it opens up new ways of working, helps to create customized treatments for each individual, and dignifies and distinguishes traditional Thai medicine from other healing arts.
Author: Bob Haddad    Source: teaching materials    5 pages

Thai herbal balms, topical poultices, oils and hair treatments

A guide to making and using Thai herbal balms, topical poultices, oils, and hair treatments. Recipes are included for preparing your own balms and oils using fresh and dry materials that are generally available around the world. Guidelines and suggestions are offered regarding application, storage and use,
Author: Bob Haddad    Source: The Art of Thai Massage    6 pages