The Teacher

Bob Haddad, RTT

Bob is one of the most well known Western teachers of traditional Thai massage, and an acclaimed author on the subject of Thai healing arts. The book “Thai Massage & Thai Healing Arts” was released in 2014, and his second book, “The Art of Thai Massage” was released in 2022. Bob has written magazine articles, and has done podcasts and radio interviews on the topics of traditional Thai massage and Thai healing arts. Here are links to just a few items:


Interviews and publications:

Radio interview: The Donna Seebo Show

Magazine article: Thai Medicinal Herbs for Bodywork

Magazine article:   Breath in Bodywork: The Key to Ease & Grace

Magazine article: Energy Release & The Art of Self Protection

Magazine article: Intuition & Finesse in Massage & Bodywork

Student interview with Bob: Interview with Bob

Video interview (Spanish) – Entrevista con Bob Haddad (Español)

Podcast, ABMP: ABMP Podcast on Thai Massage

Feature on the teacher (Spanish) – Sobre el Maestro (Español)


Biography and Study:

Bob began his first studies in Thai therapy in 1999, after other careers as a language teacher, musician, and world music producer. He was gradually drawn into the depths of Thai healing arts as he studied with a variety of teachers.

Bob has studied with many teachers over the years, but he has been most influenced by the late Ajahn Pichest Boonthumme, with whom he studied for many years, and by the late Asokonanda (Harald Brust). He also studied with Chongkol Setthakorn at ITM School; at Nerve Touch, Lanna Thai School and the Old Medicine Hospital; and with Pikul Termyod, Nit Chaimongkon; Lek Chaiya; Pojanart (Jack) Paenthai; Ajahn Sinchai Sukparset, and several important Western teachers.

In 2005 he founded Thai Healing Alliance International (THAI) as a non-profit network of professionals who aspire to basic standards of study and practice of traditional Thai healing arts. Today, the THAI website contains the world’s largest online library of information about Thai massage.

In his study and work in traditional Thai therapies, Bob has learned that nuad boran is inextricably connected to Buddhist healing traditions and Thai spiritual and cultural values, and that to practice it outside of these contexts, as a mechanical form of body therapy and assisted yoga, generally results in reduced healing effects.

As an Instructor member of THAI and an Approved Provider with the National Certification Board (NCBTMB), Bob offers courses, workshops and gives presentations on Thai healing arts to therapists, students and to the general public. He is passionate about working within traditional Thai guidelines, and he integrates Thai medicinal herbs and herbal compresses into his work with clients and students. Bob teaches courses and workshops in the USA, Canada, Latin America, Europe, and has taught in Thailand at Sunshine Massage School and Loi Kroh Massage School, both in Chiang Mai.

Click here to read student testimonials from around the world

I learned more in the first three hours with you than I did in a previous 2-day course on the same topic. I am so pleased you are spreading your teachings, your kindness, and your fun attitude to students around the world.
(UK, 2022)

This workshop has completely changed my approach to sequencing, flow, and has helped me rely more on my intuition and my sensing abilities.
(USA, 2013)

It was a real pleasure to meet you and to study with you. I like the way you think. You’re a great teacher, and I will study with you again soon. Thanks for sharing your positive vibrations and good energy.
(France, 2017)

I want to thank you for all the knowledge, kindness, compassion and love that you have shared with us. It is a pleasure to learn from you, and this workshop has affected my everyday life as well as my practice. Everything feels so much smoother.
(Croatia, 2023)

You are an especially giving and welcoming teacher. You’ve inspired me to explore a tactile approach to healing that goes beyond the hands. Since our class, and thanks to you, when a part of my being comes in contact with the person I’m working with, I think about what I am channeling, and how I can give my best. This has brought beautiful depth to the process.
(Egypt, 2016)

My studies with you have deepened my understanding of the spiritual healing aspects of Thai massage. As a result of this workshop, I’ll be working slower, more sensitively and more attentively.
(Canada, 2011)

Since I took your herbal compress workshop, I’ve been using compresses with all of my clients. They are so effective at loosening the tightest spots. It took more effort before, but now the heat and the herbal medicine do most of the work. I’ve even had clients tell me that they are so happy I took your training! Thank you.
(USA, 2017)

Thank you so much for the great introduction to Thai medicinal herbs. I enjoyed the class so much, and my body felt great for days. I am also grateful for the study I did with you a few years ago. The techniques using feet that I learned from you. I use them in all my Thai treatments.
(England, 2016)

I am contacting you because I want to express my gratitude for the blessing of being taught by you. Something magical happened to me after our workshops. My heart opened up and it became filled with warmth, hope, vitality and playful energy. Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me to fall back in love with my life.
(Egypt, 2016)

I’ve been meaning to email you to thank you for such an incredible four days of teaching. You’ve really helped to develop my practice at a time when I needed it. I hope you make it back to the UK next year and every year. You will always have a group of eager students awaiting your return!
(England, 2014)

Despues de nuestro curso, he ido adoptando tus técnicas de pie y tus conceptos nuevos en mis secuencias. De momento con muy buenas opiniones, ayer una mujer me dijo que era como un baile y que era mucho más emocional. Gracias Bob, me siento grato por ello. Yo mismo he venido un poco revuelto emocionalmente del curso y estoy diferente, mejor, mas concentrado; tratando de intuir, y sentir.
(Spain, 2016)

It’s a wonderful experience to have such a caring and thorough teacher. You offer great feedback and constructive comments in a loving and caring manner.
(USA, 2009)

Thanks again for your abundant sharing of love, joy, techniques and concepts.. and especially for the good spirit and the happy energy that you managed to bring into the group. I really appreciate that you place yourself at the same level as the students. It’s true that learning never stops!
(Holland, 2017)

I so enjoyed the recent training I did with you, and I use those techniques often in my practice. You are a gifted therapist and teacher.
(Puerto Rico, 2009)

Sólo puedo darte las gracias por el taller que nos diste! Para mi fue una experiencia maravillosa, tanto el contenido, como tu manera de enseñar. Fueron pocos días, pero ha cambiado totalmente mi manera de ver y hacer el masaje.
(Spain, 2016)

One month later, I still feel a strong experience from your workshop. Thank you so much! The way you teach feels really good for me – besides knowledge, you give a lot of inspiration, freedom, trust, joy, and mind-opening.
(Slovenia, 2015)

Mil gracias por tu clase… la disfruté muchísimo. Eres un maestro apasionado, entregado y generoso, y se agradece de corazón.
(México, 2017)

I can’t say how much I enjoyed the workshop, or how much it has already affected the way I work and the way I conceptualize my role in the healing process.
(USA, 2012)

Bob creates an atmosphere in the class that makes it easy and fun to learn. He shares love, kindness, knowledge, and life experience. It was an amazing class.
(Thailand, 2017)

Thank you once again for sharing your wisdom and experience. I feel that I have returned to my path. The techniques you taught us to work with body mechanics and rocking have helped me a lot, and now giving a massage is not as hard as it was before.
(Germany, 2016)

This workshop was a great experience for me, and has lit a fire inside me to continue with my Thai massage practice. Your spirit is always with me when I practice, and I am grateful to have been taught by you.
(Spain, 2013)

Your obvious passion for traditional Thai massage shone through, and was an inspiration in itself, but what I learned most was to slow down, to feel, wait, stay in the juicy spot (as you put it), listen to the breath, and give lots of time and space to allow the client to open and release energy.
(England, 2014)

I learned so much from you. You’re an ocean of connectedness and being. Your gift of knowledge, kindness and an open heart has a ripple effect that will last an eternity.
(USA, 2011)

Your teaching goes beyond the moves and sequences by sharing the reality of things and the real life experiences you learned yourself, as a student and a therapist in private practice. This has opened an amazing new door for me. Thank you.
(USA, 2012)

Thank you so much for the wonderful course this weekend. Your sparkling energy made the start of my study period extra special.
(Belgium, 2016)

Studying with you has opened new doors to my work, and even to myself personally. Something has changed inside me.
(Spain, 2014)

I like your sense of humor in class, and your personal approach. I understand now that I have a lot to learn. First, the locks (locking the client in place) – what you have shown us is much better for my health, and better for the energy. Second, the rocking – now I am rocking more often, and this minimizes distraction. Thanks for putting me back on earth!
(Holland, 2014)

I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed our class. I really like your teaching style, your explanations and all the details you provide. I got so much out of this workshop, and I hope to see you again soon.
(USA, 2015)

It is an art for a class to feel both structured and free, both planned and in-the-moment, both thoughtful and open-minded; all at the same time. In this sense, Bob Haddad is a true artist. He guides without overbearing, he assesses without judgement, and he teaches from an authentic place of love and compassion.
(Thailand, 2015)