THAI Online Library

Essays & Articles

Pregnancy and Thai Massage

A 9-page article about ways to effectively work with pregnant women in traditional Thai massage. Guidelines are offered for positioning, avoiding contra-indicated techniques and danger zones, and safe and effective therapy in side-lying position.
Author: Bob Haddad    Source: Thai Massage & Thai Healing Arts    9 pages

Client assessment & treatment using Thai element theory

An article about utilizing Thai element theory to adequately assess and treat clients in Thai massage treatments. When Thai element theory is used as a basis for the practice of Thai healing arts, it opens up new ways of working, helps to create customized treatments for each individual, and dignifies and distinguishes traditional Thai medicine from other healing arts.
Author: Bob Haddad    Source: teaching materials    5 pages

(Español) Reusi Dat Ton

Un amplio artículo sobre el resui dat ton, los ejercicios del asceta tailandés. La práctica se basa en ejercicios de respriuacion, auto-masaje, movimiento dinámico, y meditación.
Author: David Wells, traducido por Enrique Dianti    Source: Yoga Mimamsa, India    11 pages